Happy Holidays from Iowa Gamma

Dear Alumni, Family and Advisors,

Season’s Greetings from Ames!

I am writing today to update you on the status of our efforts to establish a new chapter at Iowa State and to let you know how you can help with this important initiative.

As you may be aware, Iowa State University approved SAE to recolonize our chapter after a 5-year hiatus. Grant Maris, SAE Manager of Expansion and Growth, recruited a group of men who are committed to working toward making SAE an established chapter.

Restarting a colony at any time is challenging, however it is especially more so during this unique time of COVID and the associated restrictions imposed upon us. Our campus life this semester has become a “virtual” campus. We have attacked these challenges head on and have adapted by creating our “new normal”.

Our chapter meetings are held weekly over Zoom. We discuss the process of establishing the chapter as well as how each member is handling the semester. In addition to our chapter meetings, we connect regularly via our group chat about anything and everything that is important to us.

Despite the unusual circumstances, we are off to a great start! Over the course of the semester, we have been establishing our colony, getting to know one another, and have started to get involved in the ISU Greek community. While many traditional Greek events were cancelled, we participated in a Halloween Trick or Treat event, where 450 children from the greater Ames area enjoyed a day of fun and safe festivities. Additionally, we also hosted several brotherhood events throughout the semester with the proper COVID guidelines in effect.

As the holiday season approaches, we have a lot to be thankful for. We are all grateful for the opportunity to be involved in restarting the Iowa Gamma Chapter. We are thankful for our chapter brothers and alumni who are helping us with the process and are proud of what the colony has become in such a short period.

We are looking forward to the spring semester ahead when we plan to recruit more quality men and grow our campus involvement.

Here is how you can help:

  • Share the names of current and prospective Iowa State students that you feel would make outstanding members.

  • Volunteer to serve on the Alumni Advisory Board (and don't worry if you are not near - in this new virtual world, we have members from across the country).

  • Serve as a mentor for an individual chapter member. It's a fun and easy way to support the members during this challenging period of time.

  • Encourage students to apply for The True Gentleman Scholarship by visiting HERE. Don't delay, applications are due 01/15/2021.

  • Contribute to the Iowa Gamma True Gentleman Scholarship Fund by visiting www.sae.net and making a gift to the Iowa State Chapter Education Fund.

We all are excited to carry on the Iowa Gamma legacy at ISU and we look forward to your input, feedback and support as we re-establish our presence on campus.

We wish you and your families a happy holiday season and a safe and healthy new year!

Phi Alpha,

Eminent Archon

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Iowa Gamma

Iowa Gamma Social Media accounts:
Instagram: @sae_at_isu
Facebook chapter page: Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Iowa State University

Facebook alumni page: SAE Iowa Gamma Alumni Association