Iowa Gamma Welcomes Youth & Shelter Services to Chapter House

Brothers of Iowa Gamma,

As you know, we have been renting the chapter house at 140 Lynn Avenue during the chapter’s suspension from campus. 

I am pleased to report that our tenant for the 2018-19 school year is Youth & Shelter Services (YSS), an Ames-based non-profit organization. YSS will use the property to house some of their clients during the upcoming year. We see this as a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the Ames community while ensuring Iowa Gamma can continue to have the financial resources necessary to maintain ownership of the property.

If your travels will bring you to Ames during the year, I ask you to be respectful of the fact that people are now living in the house. Please do not stop by the house, use the parking spaces, sit on the patio or in any other way disturb the new residents of the house. 

We hope to bring SAE back to the ISU campus and our home at 140 Lynn in the future, but for now we must adhere to the rules out of respect for YSS staff, clients and the community. 

Thank you for your support!

Brad Jensen ‘91
Iowa Gamma House Corporation Board